The checklist for my "Draw Daily" challenge. Reviewed and modified every so often.
- Specific-- Make it measurable. Produce at least one image a day.
The frustrating issue of "What am I going to sketch today?" solved by a random list of words to use as inspiration.The Random-Word List - Meaningful-- You mean so much to me, I'll do anything! If I want to keep growing artistically, I'll be comfortable with whatever anxieties this goal throws my way (whether caused by fear, failure, or pressure from repetition).
- Achievable-- Only reach for the moon if you have a rocket-ship (and a 10 year plan). I'll produce one image a day for 12 days (then set a new interval after that).
- Relevant-- In-line with what you want out of life. I love being an illustrator.
- Timed-- Because time allows you to measure progress.
The first thing that I do when I wake up. Min 15 mins, max 1 hour.Derived from your daily to-do list.
- Evaluate-- Reflection time. Reflect on whether the specifics, the measures, the values, and the time-plan are working.. on a daily basis. This is an iterative process.
- Re-Adjust-- After you've done the math. Apply the changes to the list.
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